e n e rvat e
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'Enervate' takes you through the story of an indolent person, morally devitalized enough to be too feeble to make an effort, that of course counts for the terribly eroded state of his soul. Enervate, at its zenith, presents a series of Djent music, all in collimation to produce the best of audible-visuals. Driven with aggressive vocals, Elixirore didn't miss hinting at their true potential and developing massive guitars characterized by emphatic drums, intense and virtuosic Djent. Each song of the album is designed so as to make every variable star hit the terminator line, if not the Death star!
It is a culmination of a variety of styles of music writing we have accumulated over the years. It's punchy, groovy, melodic and relaxing as the album progresses. Where this album shines is that all the songs are closely connected with each other. While our song writing is heavily groovy and heavy, but apart from Djent, "Enervate'' dives deeper into more than just that, it has a song which was written like synthwave to a song which can be only described as the "phase where you're deep in love". "Enervate '' means to make someone drained of energy or vitality, which serves the album's theme fairly well, since the album revolves around the protagonist and his phases of his condition during his lifetime, as it is a journey of a person who believes that he belongs to cosmos, the world isn't made for him. The war inside his mind makes him insane as the time goes on and the album progresses. The album is a surprise feast for people who listen to rock or metal and want to hear something new and rejuvenating!
Elixirore is an Indian Progressive Metal Band from India. Their music is heavily influenced by bands such as "Periphery, Meshuggah, Monuments and Cloudkicker." The band consists of Jeevesh Kumar Laduna, Tarunaditya Singh Shekhawat, Ravneet Singh, Gaurav Pandey, Suvan Mathur and Puru Sharma forming a six piece metal act. The band was a two man project in its early days consisting of Tarun and Jeevesh, but, while working on their second album, they decided to go all in with vocals and put on a show. Their collaboration with Ravneet led to the formation of the band. Elixirore has evolved from a bedroom band led by two people to a full fledged band within the past two years after their first release.
We have a lot of our old demos to work on and if we continue to work on them they would be enough to make a new album, so there is quite a lot in store once we get started because we are not planning to go back anytime soon.
- Elixirore